Showing up for Native communities.

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Northeast Arizona Native Democrats Community updates for Navajo, Hopi, and Apache lands

There is a lot of community work that needs to be done on tribal lands. But first we have to be mindful about the heaviness, anger, and sensitivity that our community members are feeling and experiencing. Voters are people who exist between elections and are best served on a regular basis.

We may be coming out of the pandemic but we’re still healing from tremendous loss and extraordinary challenges. Our own team members and their families have been impacted directly and so we are doing what we do best, serve our communities, and helping where we can.

We will continue to register voters, fight voter suppression, discuss AZ’s Independent Redistricting Commission and more, but we can’t rightfully have these conversations when so many people are hurting. Tribal and rural communities came out and supported Democrats in big numbers. We won the election, so it’s only logical for voters to ask,  “where are they? We need help.” In order for our communities to be on a path of increased civic engagement on a regular basis, their basics of life have to be covered first.


So similar to the spring of last year (at the height of the pandemic), we are focusing on doing what we can to support our community members now. There is a lot to be done and folks need to see us and hear from us, especially with excessive heat temperatures and people without electricity or running water are trying to get water and ice for themselves and their animals, and keep cool.

Grassroots community organizing only works when we are helping each other and there is trust. This will be our approach before we move full force into any political campaign mode.

Down the road we will have important political conversations, but first we must also show our communities that we are here for them now, when they need us and not just when we want their vote.


Organizers Jonathan Yazzie and Jean and John Stuckey help with hay delivery in summer 2020.

Jonathan Yazzie, Navajo Nation, has been an organizer with us for several years. We shared a bit of his story last year  

In the past two weeks Jonathan has been volunteering and delivering water to Hopi and Navajo elders who need assistance. We are helping him find ways to purchase eight (8) 90-watt foldable mono solar panel portable kits that are compatible with portable chest fridge/freezer cooler and eight (8) battery operated portable bucket misting fan kits. This is estimated around $3,000. In addition, to water distribution and fuel for delivery. He recently made a 132 mile journey, on rough unpaved roads, to deliver water to several families in off-grid areas and his personal diesel truck that he’s been using for deliveries broke down. So he is now encouraging folks to try and visit him to pick up water and is repairing this truck. It’s challenging to say the least and Jonathan and his family are doing what they can to help their neighbors. If you can, please pitch in to help Jonathan with the purchase of these items and continue water deliver please donate to The funds raised will go directly toward re-hiring Jonathan on a full-time basis and will go toward purchasing items to help the families he’s working with.


If you can, please pitch in to help Jonathan with the purchase of these items and continue water deliver please donate to The funds raised with go directly toward re-hiring Jonathan on a full-time basis and will go toward purchasing items to help the families he’s been working with now.


Meet the families:

1. Alvina Begay (Hopi Tribe) and Dennis Begay (Navajo Nation) of Sand Springs, AZ. In the video, Alvina thanks Jonathan for the water and tells him they need help with refrigeration for their food. They’ve tried reaching out to local governments and elected officials.

Alvina’s video, speaks in Hopi and English:

2. Mary Knight, Navajo Nation, lives on Navajo partition land, Black Falls, AZ. Mary thanks Jonathan for the water and needs help with electricity. Her food is being spoiled as her refrigeration went out.

Mary’s video, speaks in Navajo and English:

3. Marjorie John, Navajo Nation, lives on Navajo partition land, Black Falls, AZ. Photo of water delivery, she didn’t want her photo taken.

4. Kee and Mary Natoni, Navajo Nation, live on Navajo partition land, Black Falls, AZ.

5. Woody Yazzie Navajo Nation lives on Hopi land, Sand Springs, AZ.

6. Alvin Hosteenez, Navajo Nation, lives on Hopi land, Sand Springs, AZ.

7. Alice Goye, Navajo Nation, lives on Navajo partition land, Natani, AZ area. Photo of water deliver from Jonathan’s truck.

8. Billy Mitchell, Navajo Nation, lives on Navajo partition land, North Tolani Lake, AZ.

9. Pamela McCabe, Navajo Nation, lives on Navajo partition land, Black Falls, AZ.

Help sponsor a family today and continue organizing/mutual aid efforts! Donate here:

Note: we will also be reaching out to Navajo Nation and Hopi tribal leadership, other local governments, and other mutual aid groups. However, we’ve been told by many of the families, they’ve tried to get their help, but are not responsive, are being given the runaround, or the timing for assistance is weeks if not months away. Where we, as the NE AZ Native Dems, have the flexibility to move now and act today. We also understand some folks are just falling through the cracks and are not being connected with services, so we will keep trying, especially for long-term help for the families.


Loretta Chino, Navajo Nation, is an incredible organizer in the Tuba City region of the Navajo Nation and has been volunteering to register recent graduates to vote. Last week Chino registered 10 more 18 year olds. Chino has been registering voters and getting out the vote for over 10 years and is a powerhouse of an individual.

Lorraine Coin, Hopi Tribe, is registering recent high school graduates, updating them on the voter suppression bills and actions, in addition to helping community members with water, purchasing cooling fans, and ice. Lorraine has been an organizer for many years and is just an incredibly mindful and kind human being that is generous with her time. She’s been training the next generation of Hopi organizers and mentoring several to carry on the work and giving them a chance.

Marian Quintero, White Mountain Apache Tribe, is having daily conversations with White Mountain Apache Tribal Members about emergency assistance, burial assistance, home applications, community meetings, future elections, voting rights, policing, and more while also letting them know she is available to help register folks to vote. She is focused on being helpful, kind, and appreciative of folks in her community because she said that is what we need right now, especially after everything this past year.

In the planning phase:
Suzy Etsitty, Navajo Nation, is bringing elders and youth together in her community of Pinon. There is a need to reconnect the generations especially after the devastation of the pandemic. We lost too many elders this past year, along with the incredible knowledge they possessed. She and the community will plan several service projects from community clean ups, visiting and helping elders in and around their homes, and more.

To support on-going community organizing efforts and Native organizers donate here:

We will share more about our team efforts over the summer and as we assist communities. For now, please listen to this hopeful message from one of our incredible leaders Mr. Peterson Zah, Navajo Nation. This is a recent community message he shared with folks reminding everyone that we are stronger together and as we learn how to be with one another again to be mindful and appreciative of each other. 

Peterson Zah, Navajo Nation
Navajo version


YouTube which also aired on KTNN radio

English version

YouTube Video:

Ahéhee for your support. Let’s move forward together.

— Jaynie Parrish, Navajo Nation
Executive Director
Navajo County Democrats 

Stay connected with us and help amplify the work! Share with your friends and family.

Facebook: neaznativedemocrats
Twitter: @neazNativeDems
Instagram: @neazNativeDems


Checks may also be payable and mailed to: Navajo County Democrats — Native Organizing Fund  

PO Box 144, Lakeside, AZ 85929 · (928) 224-8021


How Becoming a Native Organizer


We won the election now Republicans are punishing us.