Matriarchs on sovereign lands are building the electorate we need for Democratic wins in Arizona
The rural community of Chinle is located in the center of the Navajo Nation, and is hours from the nearest cities. Services are limited, and word of mouth is the best way to learn about community events. The women of Chinle’s Navajo families are at the heart of communicating about key issues like health, education, and voting. It’s in remote areas like this that the matriarchs of our Family Votes program have the most impact. These women are from these communities and are deeply connected to family and neighbors who count on family leaders to share information
In remote communities on sovereign lands, rough roads, the many miles between homes, and lack of home addressing prevents us from getting to everyone. But our Matriarchs have access to family members who live well beyond the reach of our organizers on the ground. Matriarchs are able to reach voters at family gatherings, from birthday parties to weddings to family dinners. Every voter contact is important, but none is more powerful than a “relational organizing contact,” when someone you know and respect talks to you about voting.