Native Organizers hit the ground – Arizona is already a battleground state for the 2024 Presidency

Arizona Senator Mark Kelly attends GOTV event in Tuba City, AZ, Navajo Nation and Hopi Tribe. Photo: Hopi organizers, Lorraine Coin and son Everett visit with Sen. Kelly.

How do you improve on Arizona’s most successful voter turnout campaign of 2022? Keep investing in rural and Indigenous communities, and get more Native organizers back in the field. This is exactly what we are doing. The Northeast Arizona Native Democrats have already hired two organizers to begin our civic education campaign. It’s no secret that Arizona will be the most hotly contested battleground state in 2024. Our team is key to holding the Senate majority and delivering our state’s eleven electoral votes to the Democratic candidate for President.

Turnout in sovereign precincts in Northeast Arizona outperformed the state turnout by nearly 4% points. 

A quick recap: in 2022, only two counties in the entire state showed an increase in voter turnout; these two counties are Apache and Navajo, where increased turnout was almost exclusively on sovereign lands. This is the Northeast Arizona Native Democrats’ turf, and our voters out-performed state turnout by nearly four points. That vital margin protected the Senate majority and secured the top three elected positions in Arizona; Governor, Secretary of State, and Attorney General. That last, the Attorney General’s race, was won by just 280 votes. There is no question that voters on Northeast Arizona’s sovereign lands delivered that victory.

Read full article here:


Lorencita Marshall Hired to Lead Northeast Arizona Native Democrats Field Team


Native Voters deliver big wins in Arizona midterm elections