Arizona Native Voters Can Save Democracy by Pushing HR 1

Hopi, White Mountain Apache, San Carlos Apache, and Navajo organizers from Apache, Navajo, and Coconino Counties will help launch the Navajo County Democrats Family Votes Program.

Hopi, White Mountain Apache, San Carlos Apache, and Navajo organizers from Apache, Navajo, and Coconino Counties will help launch the Navajo County Democrats Family Votes Program.

[Daily Kos Article published 3.11.21]

Arizona’s Native voters secured Democratic wins in 2020. To maintain Democratic control of the U.S. Senate, elect a Democratic governor, and flip the Arizona state legislature blue in 2022, the Navajo County Democrats’ Northeast Arizona Native Democrats Project is working to get Arizona Indigenous organizers back to work now to protect voting rights.

You can help by donating here.

Because we did so well in the General elections, Republicans in the Arizona state legislature are doing everything they can right now to make it harder for us to vote. They have put forth more voter suppression bills than any other state. Which is why the Navajo County Democrats are partnering with Apache and Coconino County Democrats, once again, to get our organizers back to work to mitigate these threats to our democracy. The sooner our team can engage more voters and help advocate for the passage of HR1/SR1–For the People Act, the better position we will be in for 2022. When passed, the Act would be the most significant voting rights and democracy reform legislation in more than fifty years.

White Mountain Apache Tribe organizers help community get counted in the Census and register to vote.

We know local grassroots organizing works, even in a pandemic. We want to use the powerful network we’ve built to hold Arizona elected leaders accountable, like Senator Kyrsten Sinema. Native and rural organizers already experience plenty of barriers to voting, we don’t need more. Our team will push Senator Sinema to pass HR1/SR1 and that means we need to end the filibuster.

Here’s our winning hand, our team leaders are citizens of their tribal nations and live and organize locally. They know their communities best, got folks to the polls in 2020, and are ready to work. Investing now is critical to building a much stronger network for 2022 and beyond. And from our experience, local organizing shows better results than any Washington, D.C. consulting firm ever will. 

Help us get Indigenous organizers back to work today by becoming a recurring donor .

Our first wave of organizers are scheduled to be in the field on the White Mountain Apache Nation (WMAT) this spring. WMAT is home to nearly 10,000 voting age adults and saw an eight percent increase in voter turnout in 2020 over 2016. WMAT voters have the power to win elections and influence legislation like HR1/SR1. Next field teams will focus on Hopi and Navajo Nation.

To keep Democratic control in 2022 and ensure Native and rural voters have equal access to the polls in 2022, we need to engage every voter and have meaningful conversations now.

Too much is at stake and we cannot leave these major decisions in the hands of Republicans. Please donate to our Family Votes - Native Organizing Fund today.

Thank you. 

Missa Foy
Navajo County Democrats Chair


Facebook: NavajoCountyDemocrats
Twitter: @navajocountydem
Instagram: @navajocountydem


Cafe 7 - Community Conversations (LD-07)